Direct mail agency checklist

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The Challenge

A successful direct mail program looked to SeQuel for new opportunities to grow their acquisition. 

How We Helped

SeQuel identified an opportunity to maximize postage savings that could be reinvested into a direct mail acquisition program, fueling significant customer growth. SeQuel recommended a plan to leverage the USPS growth incentive, which offered marketers a 30% postage discount for achieving year-over-year mail volume growth. To maximize the client’s savings, SeQuel developed an annual plan that strategically front-loaded mail volumes into high-performing 1H campaigns to reap USPS discounts for 2H expansion campaigns. SeQuel handled all aspects of the client’s participation, including registering, documenting, and reconciling USPS records to ensure full credit application. The earned credits were thoughtfully applied to future direct mail campaigns, and timely updates on credit balances, along with recommendations on optimal usage. This comprehensive solution delivered over $750k in annual savings, enabling increased mail volumes and driving record customer growth.

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Campaign Testimonial:

"It feels great when we can help a successful marketing program continue to find wins. And not just campaign wins, but significant savings that get the attention of CFOs and other decision-makers. The most satisfying aspect of this experience was that we were able to help the client strategically plan for these savings and make the case to senior management for an additional budget to supercharge their acquisition efforts. To see it come together and successfully executed should pay dividends down the road for our client both in program growth and future budget discussions."
- Angelo Licursi, Senior Marketing Strategist, SeQuel Response
Money Percentage Cut
0 % discount
30% USPS postage discount achieved
New Customers Impressions Red Bubbles
0 % boost
72% YoY in new customer growth
Piggy Bank
>$ 0  savings
Over $750k in total annual savings