Direct mail agency checklist

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The Challenge

An online retailer was struggling to find scale with their existing direct mail program and challenged SeQuel to renew channel performance with a new data and creative strategy.

How We Helped

SeQuel hit the ground running by testing over 610K records using our proprietary FaQtor Test method. Seven new prospect models and one new creative was identified to go head-to-head against the online retailer’s existing controls. Five of SeQuel’s mailing lists outperformed control, while the creative package established itself as the new control for their CRM audience. In just 60 days, SeQuel’s data-driven approach to direct mail yielded a 479% return on investment to restore direct mail as a significant acquisition channel for the retailer.

Top left quote symbol of testimonial Bottom right quote symbol of testimonial
Clock ROI
$ 0 MM in revenue
Produced incremental revenue of $1.77MM
Matching Customers
0 + new subscribers
Acquired nearly 6,300 new customers
Mail Check Mark
$ 0  CPA
Achieved overall CPA of $57