Direct mail agency checklist

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The Challenge

After experiencing early success in direct marketing tests, this identity theft protection service wanted to increase its prospect universe without hurting response in phase two of testing.

How We Helped

SeQuel sought to target more ideal prospects by customizing multiple competing regression models and introducing optimal vertical files -- increasing campaign response by 25%.

Top left quote symbol of testimonial Bottom right quote symbol of testimonial

Campaign Testimonial:

"SeQuel is the largest single member-generating agency channel in the company. When we need something, we can depend on them to execute, and execute with a very high standard of quality. They’ve been extremely instrumental in new-member acquisition, such that we wouldn’t have been able to hit the numbers that we did without them."
- Steve, Senior Manager Acquisition Database Marketing, SeQuel Client
Chart With Pie
0 %
Increase in response due to new list source for responder model
Hourglass Money
0 k
New sales per year due to DM
Mail Growth
0 x
Increase in volume since launch
Down Money Bar Graph
0 /2
Decrease in CPA since launch