Does Direct Mail Live up to the Hype?

Does direct mail live up to the hype of its digital counterparts? In this article, we will break down the efficacy of direct mail, its benefits, and how it compares to other channels in terms of performance.

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Does Direct Mail Live Up to the Hype?

To determine if direct mail lives up to the hype, let’s look at key statistics from the 2024 Direct Mail Marketing Benchmark Report to see how direct mail performance stacks up against other marketing channels.

Increasing Engagement

72% of consumers engage with mail each week – up 3% from last year.

The surge in consumer engagement with mail speaks volumes about its ability to connect with people at a deeper level. Unlike digital ads that can be easily scrolled past, direct mail demands attention and offers a unique, savored experience. Your mail format, whether a letter, postcard, or hybrid, has the space to weave compelling narratives that resonate with consumer values and aspirations, going beyond mere brand awareness and product promotion.

It’s not just the physical presence that sets it apart, but also the deliberate and less passive engagement it provides. When recipients hold your mail, it creates a tangible interaction that digital ads can’t replicate. Mailers often end up on kitchen counters, refrigerators, or desks, constantly reminding and boosting brand recall.

Research even shows that direct mail typically sticks around in a household for 17 days, providing multiple chances for engagement and increasing the likelihood of your message being seen by various household members. When you combine strong visuals, compelling copy, and clear calls to action, you have a powerful tool to encourage prospects to keep the mail for future reference, especially if there’s ongoing value, such as a redeemable coupon.

Digital Integration

90% of marketers believe integrating direct mail and digital channels positively impacts campaign performance.

Picture this: a prospect receives your brand’s direct mail piece, and shortly after, they see a targeted digital advertisement while browsing online. The next day, they hear your brand’s message on their favorite podcast. This multi-touchpoint experience is the magic of integrating direct mail with digital channels. It’s about creating a seamless, immersive brand journey that resonates with your audience at every turn.

What’s more, by leveraging innovative methodologies like SeQuel Surround, marketers can tap into consumer data sets and direct mail lookalike models across digital platforms. Imagine reaching your direct mail audience not only through physical mail pieces but also via compelling display ads, engaging web videos, and even connected TV. This level of integration amplifies the reach and impact of your campaigns, taking your marketing strategy to new heights.

The real beauty of integrating direct mail and digital channels lies in its adaptability. Use performance metrics to optimize your campaign and prioritize your customers in every decision. While you may feel comfortable sticking to what you have experience with, don’t hesitate to explore new marketing channels and targeting strategies. If marketers are experiencing success in reaching audiences through new and innovative methods, it might be worth considering.

Non-Intrusive Nature

54% of consumers appreciate mail because they can keep an interesting piece and refer to it later.

Many of us have had the experience of feeling bombarded by invasive digital ads that seem to know a little too much about our online behavior. It’s no wonder this can lead to discomfort and distrust among consumers who feel their privacy is compromised. On the other hand, direct mail is a breath of fresh air for consumers, as its physical presence allows recipients to engage with it on their own terms.

Unlike digital ads that can be easily blocked or ignored, mail occupies a tangible space in the recipient’s environment, ready to be interacted with at any time. This non-intrusive nature makes direct mail a preferred option for many, as it respects their independence and creates a strong connection to your brand.

Plus, mail’s targeting capabilities are a win-win for marketers and consumers. Your mailing list is built to specifically reach those who will benefit most from your product or service. Rich offline data sets are derived from precise individual demographics, purchasing habits, location, psychographics, and more. This provides a deeper understanding of consumer behaviors and preferences, extending beyond online interactions.

Well-crafted, personalized mail makes customers feel valued and appreciated, fostering lasting relationships. And remember, personalization goes beyond simply addressing the recipient by name. Tailoring your content and offers to resonate with your audience’s interests and needs can forge a more meaningful and lasting connection.

Case in Point: Direct Mail Drives Incremental Scale for E-Commerce Brand

After heavily relying on paid search, a photo memorabilia company recognized the need to scale up through channel diversification.

SeQuel launched a direct mail test campaign using a bifold self-mailer to target new prospects and previous customers at an efficient cost per acquisition (CPA). The previous customer segment performed exceptionally well, resulting in an 8x return on ad spend. This success opened new growth opportunities for the client and led to an overall CPA of $47. As a result, the client continued to partner with SeQuel, further exploring the potential of direct mail as a key growth channel.


Direct mail indeed lives up to its hype, offering a tangible, personal, and memorable form of marketing that can successfully complement digital strategies. Mail’s benefits outweigh the challenges, offering marketers the ability to create lasting impressions with their audience.

By understanding mail’s strengths, integrating it with online efforts, and adhering to best practices, you can effectively leverage mail to drive real results. Get in touch with us today for further proof of what direct mail marketing can do for your business.